At Oracle, we have been in and around the maritime industry for over 20 years, and we know all the problems mariners and companies face with finding the right job for the right mariner. The biggest problem they face with new mariners is getting the proper document and education that you need to start working. With seasoned mariners, it's trying to find a good job, maintaining your documents, and getting the right work-life balance. For companies, it's finding good mariners that meet all the regulator requirements that are willing to work hard and grow with the company. Our goal is to build up new mariners, help maintain existing mariners, match them with the best company in the industry, and get companies to hire the right personnel at the start of their carrier to build both of there future. We have a three-stage approach to get this accomplished.
First, get new Mainers. Help them get all the documentation and education they need to start on day one.
Second, Train them on what it takes to perform at a high level in this highly rewarding but very intense industry.
Third, Find the right situation that fits both the company and the mariner's needs.